Favorite Links

This page contains links to some of my favorite sites.

Braille-Related Sites

This section contains sites about Braille, as well as places where you can purchase Braille books and other items.

  • A great place to buy Braille books is National Braille Press. In addition to hardcopy braille books, you can also purchase almost all of their titles in electronic Braille format.
  • Seedlings sells Braille books for children.

Audio Dramas and Old-Time Radio

If you’re interested in old and new radio dramas, check out the following sites.

  • Radio Spirits sells old-time radio programs on CDs, as well as DVDs and videos of classic TV programs.
  • BBC Radio 4 Extra is a radio station featuring book readings, comedy, and lots more from the BBC’s archives as well as new material.
  • Big Finish Productions is a UK-based producer of audio dramas, primarily based on Doctor Who and other science fiction series, but are expanding into other genres. All of their productions feature great sound design as well as famous actors, many of whom starred in a particular series.
  • There are also various Christian audio dramas, including:
    • Adventures in Odyssey from Focus on the Family.
    • Speaking of Focus on the Family, check out their Radio Theatre site, where you can purchase CDs of various stories adapted for radio, such as the “Chronicles of Narnia” series by C.S. Lewis.
    • Unshackled! is the longest-running radio drama series in history. Since 1950, it’s featured true testimonies from people in the style of old-time radio programs, and continues to do so to this day.
      Note that parental guidance is suggested for some episodes due to their subject matter.
    • Other Christian radio drama shows include Down Gilead Lane and Paws and Tales.


  • AudioGames.net is an excellent site where you can read about nearly every audio-based game available. As the name implies, an “audio game” is a game that uses sound only, no graphics. This site also contains articles, a forum where you can discuss audio-based games, etc.
  • If you’re interested in playing, or even creating, text adventure games, also called Interactive Fiction, The Interactive Fiction Archive has everything you need and more. You’ll find games, interpreters, and programming tools for numerous computer and text adventure platforms, magazines, and solutions in case you find yourself getting stuck while playing.
  • The Interactive Fiction Community Forum is a great place to discuss all aspects of Interactive Fiction games.